1 March & 1 July 2024 Vaping Reforms
From 1 March 2024, personal importation of vaping goods from overseas is not permitted, even with a prescription.
For further information, please visit TGA Vaping Hub and visit our FAQ Page
How can I access vaping products from 1 March 2024?
Most Australian pharmacies can order nicotine vaping products with a prescription, but likely a small range. This will be discussed in the assessment and consultation.
From 1 July 2024, vaping goods (including nicotine free liquids, devices, hardware and accessories) can no longer be supplied outside of a pharmacy. However most pharmacies will only supply very limited range and devices. This will be discussed in the assessment and consultation.
Nicotine Pouches
These are still regulated under Personal Importation Scheme and prescriptions are required.
Nicotine Replacement Therapies
Complete a medical questionnaire to be assessed for your prescription
Nicotine Vaping Assessment
Pharmacy Prescription
Only for 21 years and above, if you are younger, please speak to your GP regarding approved therapies
Assessed and contacted by AHPRA registered doctors
If suitable, E-scripts for up to 6 months are sent to you via SMS and email
* QuitRX does not prescribe single use disposable vapes, heated tobacco or products owned by Big Tobacco
Nicotine Pouch Importation Prescription
Only for 21 years and above, if you are younger, please speak to your GP regarding approved therapies
Assessed and contacted by AHPRA registered doctors
Import script valid for 12 months
If you are using tobacco-free nicotine pouches, the vaping importation ban does not apply.
* QuitRX does not prescribe tobacco-containing products ie heated tobacco
*This is a private-billing service which does not attract Medicare rebates, but we endeavour to keep fees as low as possible
The QuitRX Process
*QuitRX recommends patients to visit their local GP as first contact to discuss first-line therapies

Step 1
Complete the detailed questionnaire and payment.
Medicare or Individual Healthcare Identifier (IHI) required for verification.
All Australian residents (citizen or non-citizen) will have an IHI -instructions to apply is in the assessment.

Step 2
Dr Shu reviews your questionnaire within 24-48 business hours.
She will contact you for further confirmation, and make a Quitline referral with your consent.

Step 3
Your personalised prescription is sent to you by SMS e-token and email.
*For nicotine pouch prescriptions, this is a PDF prescription for importation

Step 4
Pharmacy: Contact your pharmacy to order your vaping products
*For nicotine pouch prescriptions, keep a copy of the prescription to provide to Australian Border Force (ABF)/ Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)

Helping you quit smoking for good
Quitting smoking is difficult. We get it! And we are here to help and support your quitting journey.
We are committed to helping Australia with affordable access and quality service. Our hope is for all patients to eventually lead smoke-free lives.
This service is owned and operated by Dr Shu who has genuine care and compassion for her patients. Dr Shu takes time to review each assessment and provides advice and follow up for patients. She also loves hearing encouraging patient experiences and stories of their smoking cessation journeys.
Please note that Dr Shu encourages all patients to visit their GP first to discuss smoking cessation methods including nicotine vaping, but is available if you are unable to get the help you need.
About QuitRX
What is QuitRX's advice for quitting smoking?Nicotine dependence is complex. Quitting cold turkey is recommended, but understandably difficult. We recommend discussing with your regular GP regarding first-line pharmacotherapies for smoking cessation, in combination with behavioural modifications. If your GP is unable to help for any reason, we are happy to assist in your smoking cessation journey. We highly recommend behavioural intervention with Quitline, and will help send a referral for you with your consent.
Where can I purchase nicotine replacement products (NRT)?Approved NRT like patches, gums, sprays, inhalators and lozenges are available widely through pharmacies and supermarkets. You do not need a prescription to purchase these approved therapies, however we may prescribe it if necessary to assist with your quitting journey.
Why do I need a prescription for nicotine vaping products (NVPs)?According to the TGA website: On 21 December 2020, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) announced a decision that from 1 October 2021, consumers will need a valid prescription to import nicotine vaping products, such as nicotine e-cigarettes, nicotine pods and liquid nicotine. From 1 March 2024, personal importation of vaping goods and accessories is no longer legal without an import license and permit. This ensures that only quality products that meet TGA standards are sold/dispensed, as there have been reports of lung injury from low quality e-liquids that have harmful additives. This means that it will be illegal for smoke shops to sell products for nicotine vaping, and patients can only access this via an Australian pharmacy. Visit the TGA website for further information: https://www.tga.gov.au/products/unapproved-therapeutic-goods/vaping-hub
Do I need a prescription for vaping devices?According to TGA Vaping Hub, "Vaping devices that do not contain, and are not packaged with, a vaping substance do not need to be prescribed or authorised for supply under the AP, SAS B or SAS C schemes. However, a pharmacist can only supply a vaping device if satisfied it will be for use for smoking cessation or the management of nicotine dependence. Unless the device is being supplied with a prescribed or authorised vaping substance, a pharmacist will need to discuss the intended use with the patient before dispensing. Only vaping devices and zero-nicotine vapes included in the TGA's list of notified vapes can be dispensed."
I already have my own device, but need hardware/accessories (coils, wicks, pods). Where can I get these?From 1 July 2024, all vaping goods including hardware and accessories need to be supplied through pharmacies. However, most pharmacies will not be supplying various brands of hardware and accessories. There are select devices/hardware that may be available through pharmacies and will be discussed in the consultation.
What happened from 1 March 2024 and 1 July 2024? Can I import products?From 1 March 2024, Personal Importation has ceased. This means it is no longer legal for individuals to buy and import any vaping goods (liquids, devices and hardware/accessories) from overseas. From 1 July 2024, all vaping goods can only be supplied to consumers through pharmacies. Tobacconists and convenience stores can no longer stock any vaping goods (even nicotine free). Nicotine-containing vapes and zero-nicotine vapes are only available on prescription. A prescription is not required for devices and hardware, but can only be supplied at the pharmacy. Most will only supply a very limited range and supply. This can be discussed at the assessment consultation. You can find more information at the TGA Vaping Hub.
What is happening from 1 October 2024?Pharmacies can legally dispense vapes over the counter without a prescription for smoking cessation or management of nicotine dependence. The pharmacist must ensure: supply is to persons aged 18 years or over, including requesting and sighting evidence of the patient’s identity and age professional advice is provided to the patient on alternative cessation supports and therapies, appropriate dose and frequency depending on age, weight and severity of condition, length of treatment, suitable titration, and interactions with other medicines contact details about smoking cessation support services are provided to the patient the quantity of the goods does not exceed 1 month supply and is only supplied to the patient once in a month that the nicotine concentration does not exceed 20 mg/mL SAS-C notification is required for each dispensing. Any supply outside of this requires a prescription e.g. over 20mg/ml. You can find more information at the TGA Vaping Hub.
What nicotine vaping products (NVPs) do you prescribe?There is a range of products available including pre-filled pods and premixed liquids for refillable devices. The list of TGA notified vapes are on this page. These have not been assessed by TGA for quality, safety, efficacy or performance, but are what sponsors have provided to TGA that they comply with applicable standards. QuitRX prescribes a wide range of NVPs, based on patient experience, smoking history and pharmacy accessibility. However, we avoid prescribing products manufactured or owned by Big Tobacco.
Can you write an 'open script' or a range of strengths/quantity so I can choose a variety of products at the pharmacy?We appreciate it may be convenient to have an 'open script' for selecting a variety of products at the pharmacy, however it is not permissible under the Medicines and Poisons Regulation. Nicotine Vaping Products (NVPs) are classified as unapproved therapeutic goods and prescription medications. Therefore, prescriptions must specify the exact strength, form, and quantity, and it is not legal for any pharmacy to dispense prescriptions that do not meet these requirements. Similar to how doctors do not prescribe an 'open script' for antibiotics or blood pressure medications, the same applies to NVPs. If you require different strengths or types of products, please mention this in your online assessment and discuss it during your consultation. Be aware that there may be additional fees for the increased administrative time needed to prescribe multiple products if deemed appropriate.
Where can I purchase nicotine vaping products (NVPs)?It has not been legal for convenience stores, tobacconists or vape stores to sell NVPs since 2021. The only legal access is with a prescription through a registered Australian pharmacy. If you have a prescription, most pharmacies should be able to order NVPs that meet TGO-110 standarads and regulations. You will receive an SMS e-script token and also evidence in your email to use at your preferred pharmacy. QuitRx does not endorse any brands or products, and doctors do not prescribe products owned by Big Tobacco.
What quantity do I get on my prescription?To ensure follow up and accountability during your quitting journey, QuitRX assesses individually and, if suitable, prescribes enough supply for 3 - 6 months as appropriate.
Do you prescribe 100mg/ml nicotine or concentrated nicotine products for me to DIY mix?We do not prescribe 100mg/mL for mixing. From 1 July 2024, only finished products are lawful to dispense according to TGA. Medical guidelines do not advise for DIY mixing as there is an increased risk of accidents and errors. There are also planned strength restrictions by the end of 2024, and it is unlikely that the 100mg/ml will be permitted afterwards.
I have a PDF prescription prior to 1 March 2024 for importation of vaping products. Why can't I show this at the pharmacy to get products?Due to pharmacy dispensing regulations, a digital image of a prescription presented by a patient is not a lawful prescription for pharmacy dispensing. This is because it is unknown if this has been presented to another pharmacy, or what quantity/repeats are left. In Australia, we now prescribe medications via E-Script tokens (like QR codes), usually by SMS or email. However, Australian Border Force (ABF) are unable to read these tokens and require different details, and hence importation prescriptions were provided as a PDF prescription. Please complete a pharmacy e-script assessment and request here.
I completed the questionnaire/payment or sent an email enquiry but did not receive a reply?Dr Shu is very responsive to queries, and contact is usually made within 1-2 business days. Sometimes emails from QuitRX go into your junk/spam inbox. Often there are also issues with some email servers e.g. yahoo, bigpond, outlook, with receiving our emails. Please contact hello@QuitRX.com.au to enquire and leave your mobile number as an alternative contact.
Can I claim the assessment fee on Medicare?QuitRx services are private billing only and are not medicare rebatable. However, we keep fees as low as reasonably possible to still be able to provide a good service.
I am a traveller. Do I need a prescription?There are exemptions for travellers. Information is available on the Office of Drug Control website.
What does RX mean?RX (sometimes written ℞) is a common abbreviation for medical prescriptions derived from the Latin word for recipe meaning 'to take'. However, this is more than a prescription service. We help current or ex-smokers navigate the quitting smoking process.
When was this FAQ updated?This FAQ was updated on 31 July 2024.
Any Questions?
Email Dr Shu Here: Hello@QuitRX.com.au
You should receive a reply within 48 hours (often sooner) but if you don't please do check your junk/spam folder.